Kites on Ice 2001

We had fun. We stayed warm. We flew kites. We had a wonderful "seat" for the night fly, flying our bats out on the ice with the snow falling.  We saw old friends and met new ones. A+ job to Linda, Kristi, Craig, kiters, volunteers, and spectators. I took lots pictures of the school children's kites. Click on the picture of the boys and their green frog kite for the bigger picture of them and then click on the "Kites on Ice in the Classroom" link below it for more pictures of the children's terrific kites.  People and displays are ready for you to view and so are Mr. Chen's spectacular silk & bamboo kites. See the interesting delta from Belgium, a sunken Statue of Liberty (?), and stunt kites. There was lots I did not photograph and you certainly can't get the full feeling without being out on the ice. We hope you can actually come to Kites on Ice next year.


Statue of Liberty
Kites on Ice in the Classroom 
The artists
The Decorators.
Kaatje and Jos Valcke
Mr. Chen
Chen Zhao Ji: Mechanical Kites
The stunt man kite
Dog chasing cats?
People and displays
The goodbye party