2018 UCVGP kite gallery

UCVGP 2018

The GPP 2018 Fanř event. The newly improved name is now the UCVGP. "Union Cerf-Voliste Grand-papa". Maybe a bit harder to say. Same good time though.
This year the kite to be made was a Potter, suggested by Achim. This is a winged cellular kite. The kite has an interesting feature in that it umbrellas to open and close. No rules on material unless Scott broke it (what???). The kites are cotton (or paper). First comes a get together to show-off, display, or otherwise explain your entry. A day is set to also fly the kites. It happened to be a nasty day to hold the fly. Drizzle and a lot of wind.
The five GPPs are Capitian Frits Sauvé, Achim Kinter, and 3 USA participants Jim Day, Scott Skinner and Bob Umbowers.
Potter kite by Bob Umbowers Folding hardware
Scott's paper variation.
Obversing skeptic.
Next up was Jim.
who won
Who won, kite or maker?
Bob's turn.
Explaining the finer details.
Achim. Wow.
Extra points here.
Ready to fly.
Frits wins ease of assembly.
With a bit of study... yes.
Hip hip h
And it is hip hip hooray.
First challenge on flight day is field assembly without shelter. This kite is pretty messy-looking at first but eventually opens up and looks very nice. And one (paper kite) pops out of the car ready to see the sky. Jim assembly  Bob assembly
Frits assembly Scott's assembled
 The photo opportunity came before the flight...  photo op   
The flight was not so much given the weather but here are Jim's black and red beauty and Bob's red and yellow showy-in-the-air kite. UCVGP 2018  Jim's kite 
One kite which will be repaired. Achim assembly  It was a good UCVGP event even with its issues.
A good flying kite.