2017 GPP kite gallery

 GPP 2017

The GPP 2017 kite is a replica of Stormy Weathers' Swift Victory star, version 1996. Scott's choice of project. Any size, any color, any material. Just be there or be square. What a successful project. Bob Umbowers  
What a wild and stormy day on Fanĝ when the group assembled to fly their masterpieces. Each assembled their entry (some with help, some with wind protection, one back at his"camp" and flew it down the beach to the gathering, and some just crazy out in the open).   3 out of the 5 official entries with extra entries. GPP 2017 line-up
GPP 2017
Jim Day
GPP 2017
Scott Skinner
 GPP 2017
Scott Skinner, just in case?
  GPP 2017 
Who's spare?
GPP 2017
Bob Umbowers 
Yet another contestant arrived, actually the Capitian, Frits Sauvé.  Frits working  Frits working 
Frits working  Frits working  Frits working 
Get them tuned... tuning  tuning
Positions, please! positions, please positions, please
And the fifth came walking his kite down the beach (a bit late but it was worth the wait). Swift Victory Frits style Jim Day Swift Victory
Bob Umbowers Swift Victory Swift Victory by Achim Swift Victory by Scott
Notice the lack of other kites in the sky. Not too many. This is on Fanĝ. Blowing pretty hard.  Swift Victory reigns! Up in the sky Up in the sky
Extra points for bags!  Kinter bag Umbowers' bag
Happiness is flying your kite.  Scott