Kites on Ice logo Kites On Ice Madison, Wisconsin, USA

What a great idea!  Kite flying with friends in the wintertime. Kites On Ice* was Craig Wilson's wonderful inspiration. He wanted a way to present kiting to his city in a grand manner. His dream came true in "Kites On Ice" and was a huge success from our point of view.  Due to Craig's understanding of kites and kite flyers, backing from many sponsors, a professional management group, plus tons of local support and a very receptive city, an impressive, diverse group of kite flyers were brought together to put on this annual family event. Much to our surprise, Bob and I were included as invited guests for the event's second year in 2000. We have been to Kites On Ice five times. Each year was wonderful This was in big part to the terrific spectators. Our job was always the same and quite easy: dress warmly, fly kites out on the ice, share our hobby with visitors, and have fun. We thank everyone who made this possible. We truly enjoyed Kites On Ice each February and was sorry to see it end.

I decided I needed to organize the pages I have made for Kites On Ice over the years. Left are the links to the five pages. Here are a few of the many pictures. They hopefully will entice you to look at the rest. Yes, most of the photos are small. Our first adventure in Madison was 20 years ago!

Run for the bus! School work Bob's helpers
the sky scuba diver in Madison Kaatje's flower

*Kites on Ice was a production of Madison Festivals, Inc., a non-profit organization formed to develop, implement, manage, and promote special events in the Greater Madison area and Kites On Ice was sanctioned by the American Kitefliers Association.